Real Estate Tips

Beginner’s Guide to Being a Landlord

Taking on the role of landlord is a huge undertaking. You have renters to find (and trustworthy ones at that), a property to look after, and being the go-between for the many different people involved in this process. Follow these tips to ensure that being a landlord is rewarding, rather than being a headache-inducing responsibility.

Staging Tips: Eliminating Unwanted Odors from Your Home

When selling your home, you’ll put in a lot of time and effort into making it attractive to potential buyers. From painting the walls to decluttering, your goal is to make your house more visually appealing. However, it’s important not to neglect another one of your senses: smell.

The smell of your home can impact how a buyer perceives it. Follow these steps to help prospective buyers smell the sweet scent of home during showings and open houses.